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What do YOU do if your Music "GPS" goes down??

Who doesn't need a good vacation every once in a while?...

I'm personally excited for mine!! Before you start to plan your trip, what's the first thing you have to decide?...Of course, you have to decide WHERE you want to go. Once you have landed on a destination, you can begin planning all sorts of details...what place you'll stay, what clothes you'll take, even what places you might go to eat or what attractions you might visit. So much fun to just dream about it right?!

So, you've done all your planning and it's finally time to get in the car and DRIVE! That's where a handy little gadget and piece of technology comes in that so many of us have become accustomed to...the beloved GPS!

You just type in your destination address, hit go, and just sit back and drive while some unfamiliar voice tells you every little turn to take and when. It makes life so much easier, right? Well, what happens if you're GPS malfunctions or shuts down altogether? You're kinda screwed, right? This is totally aggravating! Have you ever been led astray by a GPS?

Worse yet, imagine that you never even learned to read a map or road signs for yourself and heaven forbid you get mixed up between your left and right, or North and South. Without your GPS, you'd never be able to go anywhere because you never developed the tools to get there the "old-fashioned" way! Nobody ever taught you how to read a map and get yourself to any destination you wanted!

There are so many promises out there on the internet from "musical GPS's" so to speak! They promise to get you to your "destination" - perhaps even learning how to play your favorite song. And even if you do make it to your destination, what happens if your GPS does down after that? That's right, you're STUCK!! Nobody loves being stuck anywhere - stuck in the airport, stuck in the hospital, stuck in a certain position for a really long time...wherever it is, being STUCK isn't an enjoyable feeling to say the least! It makes you feel totally HELPLESS!

But, what if you could learn how to read a “musical map" (so to speak) for yourself, that would allow you to go to any destination you wanted?! Really, the options are limitless! What if learning some basic foundational skills could take you to many different "musical lands" (i.e. genres)?

You could go to the "Island of Jazz"...

or the "Valley of Blues"... (Who doesn't love the music of Ray Charles?) :)

or the "Beaches of Rock & Roll"...

or the "Mountains of Classical Music"!...

You could encounter various "people groups" by playing for your family...

playing for your school or church choir...

(This choir needs a pianist!)

playing for weddings...

or playing for the world as a professional musician!...

(That's John Legend!)

Who knows where your journey might take you?!...

As a musician and piano player, I've had the opportunity to go many places and encounter many "people groups" b/c I developed the foundational skills and versatility to branch out into various styles and venues/settings! From playing in church, to my high school jazz band, to accompanying various choirs including the Pennsylvania All-State Choir. I’ve played professionally for weddings, recorded with the principal trumpet player of the New York Philharmonic, and recorded my own album of arrangements and original compositions! I’ve played classical music, traditional hymns, contemporary Christian music, pop music, and even good ol' Rock-n-Roll! What a ride it's been and I've so enjoyed the journey!

If you're interested in learning how to "read musical maps" that have the potential to take you ANYWHERE you want to go (musically speaking), sign up for my NEWSLETTER to receive more musical insights, tips and FREE Lessons, and updates on the Online Piano Course that I'm in the process of developing!

I'd love to help you reach your preferred destination!!

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