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Foundations Matter...(Part 2)

Dream a little bit with me for a minute…If you had the chance to build your dream home, what sort of things come to mind? What would it look like? What kinds of gadgets and gizmos would you have installed? What gets you super excited?

Let me guess…you didn’t just dream about dirt and concrete…am I right?? You were probably dreaming about how many rooms your house would have…what color all the rooms would be…what kinds of kitchen appliances & you would get, etc. and “can we just build it NOW!?”

BEFORE all of that fancy stuff, the foundation has to get laid and the structure and walls of the house have to go up…and that takes a bit of time (along with dirt & concrete). ;p But, you go through that phase because you know how important it is if your house is gonna stay standing for a long time. ;)

I have found this to be so true with my music and playing the piano! I've invested lots of time & energy into my music, but it has been SO worth it, because I've been able to continue to enjoy it for 35 years now!

(Those are actually my hands) ;)

So, for those of you who have ever dreamed of learning to play the piano, but just didn’t want to have to go through the work of building a solid musical foundation, just think of what the end result could be!

Dream a little! It will be motivation to actually go for it or to keep going until you’ve reaped the benefits of your hard work! You will have “built a home” that you can enjoy for the rest of your life!

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