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Hello Blogging World!

I've done it...I've entered the world of blogging! :)

In recent weeks and months, my business has been taking new directions. My most recent endeavor is that I have embarked on the journey of creating an Online Piano Course for beginners!

Too many people don't pursue their dream of learning to play the piano because they think it COSTS TOO MUCH, or they don't have ENOUGH TIME, or even that they are TOO OLD TO LEARN to play the piano!

As I've done lots of internet research, it seems that people think there are only two options for how to learn...either you go to a private piano teacher to help you to learn to Read Music...or you learn to Play By Ear through online courses. AND people who have online courses that teach you to play by ear, claim that classically trained musicians can't play by ear because we don't think in chords or numbers...we only know how to read sheet music! What?!

Who says you can't do BOTH?! I believe I'm onto something with creating an Online Course that teaches you to Read Music AND Play by Ear!

If you are interested in learning more about my teaching philosophy and even some FREE piano tips and lessons along the way, please SUBSCRIBE to my Email Newsletter at!

And even if you aren't interested personally, PLEASE SHARE this post with your friends who might be interested!

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